Saturday, March 3, 2007

Riding In a Dirty Bus-A Series of Unfortunate Events

I went this morning with my cousin to UPLB to get some information for our project. After that we decided to walk to enjoy the view and smell and feel the fresh air touching our skin. We also liked to stay there for a while but we don’t know which seat is available for outsiders like us. As we walked along we never knew how far we are getting. We really liked it there, and also started to talk and came with a thought that “what if we live in a place like this?” I mean having a clean fresh air everytime you go out of you house instead of smelling the smoke that comes out of every tricycle, cars, and other means of transportation and those garbage that were never collected by the garbage truck.

I also shared that one experience, when I was going to school, with my cousin. I commute everytime I go to school. My school is not that far from house, but it is not that near also so I have to ride the bus. Non-air-conditioned buses are sometimes clean sometimes not. I remember riding in a bus that has cockroach crawling on the bus walls; an orange skin peeled was on the floor, and some other stuff. Aside from that, since the bus that I rode in, has no air-condition I have to open a window to at least be able to breathe properly because the bus stinks also. Thank God that after trying to open one window to another, at last I opened a window. The air went in, and was able to breathe in properly. Then suddenly a striking smell came again; it was from a milk factory along the highway, it was like vomit, worse. Since it was close to my stop I endured all of it. At last I arrived at my destination, the place that I truly hate, aside from the noise, the heat that’s burning my skin, what I hate the most is the smoke that comes from the buses and other vehicles and the dirt scattered all over the place. After that day I got sick for a week, obviously because of the filthiness of the surrounding.

How can we live in an environment like this? Am I the only one who notice that there’s something wrong with our environment? How many people are getting sick and dying from this kind of, ugh, dirty environment?

I think we should act as early as possible before the situation worsens. We should do something, even if it is simple, to contribute and save our environment.

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