Saturday, March 3, 2007

An Inconvinient Truth

I watched the Oscars last week, Monday, the show was so-so, Ellen deGeneres was funny and Martin Scorsese finally won an oscar, at long last. But what struck me was what the hell was Al Gore doing in this kind of award show. He went on stage with the ever so handsome Leonardo diCaprio and they started talking about the environment. They said that the show was totally green, meaning that the production of the show was environmentally aware and concerned. Then later on in the show Al Gore was once again on stage receiving an award for the category “Best Documentary Feature” along with the makers of the documentary. I became very much curious on what that documentary was all about, so after the show I started downloading illegally the documentary in the Internet. The title of the documentary is “An Inconvenient Truth”.

The movie title was apt, down right to the bone. The movie was striking, eye opening and very, very scary. It wasn’t as scary as The Exorcist though, it was scary because it opened my eyes and my awareness to the fact that our earth is dying and our race, our generation is in the brink of extinction without us even knowing. In the movie, Al Gore narrated on “Global Warming” and how it has been and still is an issue that we are facing. Many American politicians incessantly tried to dismiss that the world is indeed heating up, they keep on feeding us the “El Niño” and “La Niña” crap that we keep on hearing all the time. They also did not want to listen to what Gore is saying.

The main issue of the film was the fact that we, human beings, have heightened our Carbon Dioxide emission and that CO2 is trapped in our atmosphere that cause the earth to heat up. So what is wrong with the earth heating up? As we all know there are some parts of the earth that is covered with ice, and since because the earth is starting to get warm, the ice starts to melt. Then again, so what? When the ice melts, water level increases, which cause some lower leveled mass area to sink underwater. Imagine a part of a country or worse a whole country sinking underwater, wouldn’t that be catastrophic? Also it has been recorded that some polar bears actually died of drowning because they can’t find icebergs to rest in, what happened was that the polar bears just kept on swimming until they grew tired, then die of drowning.

Another alarming result of Global warming is the fact that when the earth heats up, typhoons get stronger. Record-breaking number of hurricanes (not to mention their destructive power) has been recorded just for the past few years. And haven’t you guys noticed that here in the Philippines that there have been very powerful typhoon coming from the south, which seldom happens but happened about twice last year.

This is not the end of the world yet, but if we don’t wake up and take action, we might as well be expecting it. We are the ones responsible for what is happening in our planet. We should rise against the norms of doing nothing and finally start to do something. Simple acts, personal acts, if done by many could result to massive dramatic, favorable results. We have to be more conscious, more aware, more careful. We have only one planet and we should take care of it, unless you have Martian friends. We may not be Al Gore, but we could start making a difference in ourselves.

In the worlds of Melissa Etheridge in a song featured in the movie (which won best original song in the Oscars): “I need to move, I need to wake up, I need to change, I need to shake up, I need to speak out, for something’s gotta break up, I’ve been asleep, and I need to wake up, NOW”.

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