Sunday, March 25, 2007


Temperature reduction and other microclimatic effects

Removal of air pollutants

Emission of volatile organic compounds and tree maintenance emissions

Energy effects on buildings


These are some of the importance of trees in our environment. Trees also slow down runoff by holding or absorbing water, provide shelter for people, animals, and other plants, it also reduces the devastating effects of flooding, provides nutrients and shelter for a variety of organisms while decomposing, protects the world’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide (too much contributes to the Greenhouse effect), and provide certain habitats with the stable conditions necessary for life, and offer us beautiful scenery

So why cut trees? We should save them instead and plant more trees. Wouldn’t it be nice if we have more trees to be able to have clean and fresh air? Let’s start saving trees its for our own good and the animals who needs the trees.

Act Now

I really don’t like going to places that is so noisy, dusty, dirty, or simply I call “ polusyon”. Everytime that I smell something bad I would cover my whole face and say “polusyon”.

I live in Laguna, and I really love it here. There are some places here where you can really relax, play with your friends, smell the fresh air, and enjoy the nice view. I got the chance to share the place, called “Dampalit” where my friends and I used to hang out, with my group mates, “Tigidong Group”. We shoot a part of our documentary there and I can say that they really enjoyed it especially rhino and denden. If we had more time I could have brought them to more places that I hope they would like. Wouldn’t it be nice that there are more places like this?

Part of our documentary is when I brought them to this so-called “dagat” but I think it is part of the Laguna Lake. I was really disappointed with this place. How could they let this happened to this place? I mean this could have been one of the best tourist spot here in Laguna, but they did not take care of it.

Places like this should be taken care of. We should not let this places deteriorate. If there’s a way we could save them, let’s start now, before it gets too late. We should act now.

Monday, March 19, 2007

That's Hot

Its summer time and its getting hotter and hotter. Its been said that our health may be in danger because of too much exposure to the sun. People that have high blood pressure and asthma are prone to heart strokes and skin diseases. And also our home appliances may heat up because of the high temperature.

I suggest bringing umbrellas with you, put some sunblock lotions on, wear cap, or anything that can protect you from the sun.

Campaign Materials Everywhere

Election is near and all of the candidates are doing everything they can to be able to let the people know that they are running. They’ve invaded TVs, radios, walls, posts, and even trees. Recently I’ve watched about the effect of stapling fliers in the trees. It may wound the trees and may never heal again. It will cause the death of the tree.

One of senatorial candidates platform: ” Pangangalaga ng ating kalikasan sa pamamagitan ng wastong paggamit nito upang matiyak na ang ating likas na yaman ay mapapakinabangan ng susunod pang mga henerasyon” Yeah right.

I’m just wondering why can’t they think of some other way of advertising their faces instead posting it anywhere. They are the ones who make our surrounding dirty. Aren’t they are the ones who should example to us? Are they the ones who are going to clean it up? For me tv and radio ad will do. Create an ad on the Internet. Invade those advertisement spaces on the Internet, or a lot a space for their faces instead of posting it everywhere.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Cigarette Contribution to the Environment

Cigarettes came from a tobacco plant. Each year trees are cut down to be able to make cigarettes. Cigarette smoking does not only affect the people who are using this but also the environment. Since cigarette produces harmful gases, it can pollute our atmosphere. Cigarette butts are thrown everywhere.

I don’t know why a person keeps smoking. What does cigarette contains that they could not stop smoking? Why do they still make cigarette if it kills and does not contribute something good to the environment? I think they should stop smoking and start caring for themselves and the environment. Or since it’s no use to us stop making them.


Not so long ago, we got a flier about proper disposing of garbage here in our subdivision. They said that we should separate biodegradable from non-biodegradable, green plastic for biodegradable and red for non-biodegradable. They also said that they would provide garbage cans for this project, so that it will be easy for the garbage collector to get it. And also there will be consequences for those who would not abide by the new rule here in our subdivision.

Funny thing none of this happened. At first our family and some of our neighbors followed the rules but didn’t last long. There was a time that I saw the garbage truck coming, and I watched them collect the garbage. I thought that they will also separate them, but they just mixed it up. Sometimes garbage here in our subdivision is not collected. Hmmm… come to think of it, they came up with a good idea but they are the ones who disobeyed by their rules. No garbage cans were provided. We ended up throwing our garbage in a small empty space where we think we can throw it and where it can be easily collected.

Abiding by the rules is a difficult thing to do. First you obey, but when the time comes you got tired of doing it you’ll stop. I think discipline with us can help the environment. If they cannot push what they’ve said, the implementation of proper garbage disposal, we can, because someday it’ll cause a huge problem to us.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

An Inconvinient Truth

I watched the Oscars last week, Monday, the show was so-so, Ellen deGeneres was funny and Martin Scorsese finally won an oscar, at long last. But what struck me was what the hell was Al Gore doing in this kind of award show. He went on stage with the ever so handsome Leonardo diCaprio and they started talking about the environment. They said that the show was totally green, meaning that the production of the show was environmentally aware and concerned. Then later on in the show Al Gore was once again on stage receiving an award for the category “Best Documentary Feature” along with the makers of the documentary. I became very much curious on what that documentary was all about, so after the show I started downloading illegally the documentary in the Internet. The title of the documentary is “An Inconvenient Truth”.

The movie title was apt, down right to the bone. The movie was striking, eye opening and very, very scary. It wasn’t as scary as The Exorcist though, it was scary because it opened my eyes and my awareness to the fact that our earth is dying and our race, our generation is in the brink of extinction without us even knowing. In the movie, Al Gore narrated on “Global Warming” and how it has been and still is an issue that we are facing. Many American politicians incessantly tried to dismiss that the world is indeed heating up, they keep on feeding us the “El Niño” and “La Niña” crap that we keep on hearing all the time. They also did not want to listen to what Gore is saying.

The main issue of the film was the fact that we, human beings, have heightened our Carbon Dioxide emission and that CO2 is trapped in our atmosphere that cause the earth to heat up. So what is wrong with the earth heating up? As we all know there are some parts of the earth that is covered with ice, and since because the earth is starting to get warm, the ice starts to melt. Then again, so what? When the ice melts, water level increases, which cause some lower leveled mass area to sink underwater. Imagine a part of a country or worse a whole country sinking underwater, wouldn’t that be catastrophic? Also it has been recorded that some polar bears actually died of drowning because they can’t find icebergs to rest in, what happened was that the polar bears just kept on swimming until they grew tired, then die of drowning.

Another alarming result of Global warming is the fact that when the earth heats up, typhoons get stronger. Record-breaking number of hurricanes (not to mention their destructive power) has been recorded just for the past few years. And haven’t you guys noticed that here in the Philippines that there have been very powerful typhoon coming from the south, which seldom happens but happened about twice last year.

This is not the end of the world yet, but if we don’t wake up and take action, we might as well be expecting it. We are the ones responsible for what is happening in our planet. We should rise against the norms of doing nothing and finally start to do something. Simple acts, personal acts, if done by many could result to massive dramatic, favorable results. We have to be more conscious, more aware, more careful. We have only one planet and we should take care of it, unless you have Martian friends. We may not be Al Gore, but we could start making a difference in ourselves.

In the worlds of Melissa Etheridge in a song featured in the movie (which won best original song in the Oscars): “I need to move, I need to wake up, I need to change, I need to shake up, I need to speak out, for something’s gotta break up, I’ve been asleep, and I need to wake up, NOW”.

Riding In a Dirty Bus-A Series of Unfortunate Events

I went this morning with my cousin to UPLB to get some information for our project. After that we decided to walk to enjoy the view and smell and feel the fresh air touching our skin. We also liked to stay there for a while but we don’t know which seat is available for outsiders like us. As we walked along we never knew how far we are getting. We really liked it there, and also started to talk and came with a thought that “what if we live in a place like this?” I mean having a clean fresh air everytime you go out of you house instead of smelling the smoke that comes out of every tricycle, cars, and other means of transportation and those garbage that were never collected by the garbage truck.

I also shared that one experience, when I was going to school, with my cousin. I commute everytime I go to school. My school is not that far from house, but it is not that near also so I have to ride the bus. Non-air-conditioned buses are sometimes clean sometimes not. I remember riding in a bus that has cockroach crawling on the bus walls; an orange skin peeled was on the floor, and some other stuff. Aside from that, since the bus that I rode in, has no air-condition I have to open a window to at least be able to breathe properly because the bus stinks also. Thank God that after trying to open one window to another, at last I opened a window. The air went in, and was able to breathe in properly. Then suddenly a striking smell came again; it was from a milk factory along the highway, it was like vomit, worse. Since it was close to my stop I endured all of it. At last I arrived at my destination, the place that I truly hate, aside from the noise, the heat that’s burning my skin, what I hate the most is the smoke that comes from the buses and other vehicles and the dirt scattered all over the place. After that day I got sick for a week, obviously because of the filthiness of the surrounding.

How can we live in an environment like this? Am I the only one who notice that there’s something wrong with our environment? How many people are getting sick and dying from this kind of, ugh, dirty environment?

I think we should act as early as possible before the situation worsens. We should do something, even if it is simple, to contribute and save our environment.